
Phil profile Phil's earphones

Gelo's younger yet taller brother, Phil, enjoys the art of discussion and debate. Naturally, under his Piscean nature, he does his best to accomodate everyone though his deep seated competitive nature can sometimes get the best of him. At the same time, however, he tries immensely to make sure those around him never feel left out. In their childhood, Gelo and Phil felt a need to explore and learn about the world outside of their hometown and though Gelo left for Korea at one point, Phil is yet determined to make his own way. It was a little after Gelo's departure that he honed in on his love for new tech and carved out a path within the constantly advancing field for the future.

Phil first appears in Episode 5 when a sudden heatwave strikes the southeastern United States. Knowing Gelo's disdain for hot weather, Phil found it ironic that he decides to visit then. Along with their sister, Nikki, Gelo reveals that their once beloved pet, Casey, is not only alive and well but also well-versed on the abnormality in climate change. Phil and Nikki discover that they carry the solution towards preventing the globe from becoming a scorched wasteland.

Phil using earphones
Phil using earphones Phil using earphones Phil using earphones Phil using earphones Phil using earphones Phil using earphones

Earphone Virtuoso










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