
Soy profile Soy's hairtie

Considerate and caring, friends and coworkers can always find a listening ear in Soy. By unconsciously putting their needs before her own however, Soy typically encounters the most extreme of circumstances. Like Gelo, she is on a constant mission to resolve the incessant quandaries around her while discovering a way out of the madness. Born in Korea, Soy met Gelo one late autumn day wearing her trademark scarf. Gelo, a winter-lover, found it odd yet intriguing that she sported it at such a "warm" time. Perhaps this one small simple difference was the catalyst to discovering the immeasurable common ground they come to share.

Previously on the search for a new career, investing immense amounts of time and energy, Soy reasoned that Shi&Shi Corporation would provide her with the ultimate stepping stone to success. Little did she know that the erratic CEO, Leo Shi would bring her to stark self realizations and general life lessons through his ever imperious presence. While his unreasonably inhumane demands scare away most employees, Soy becomes the voice of reason in the darkness of office insanity. Making her first appearance in Episode 2 and despite being deathly afraid of cats, Soy helps Gelo and Peter through Master Casey in her first battle against the notorious individual known as The Company.  

Soy using a hairtie Soy using a hairtie Soy using a hairtie Soy using a hairtie
Soy using a hairtie
Soy using a hairtie Soy using a hairtie Soy using a hairtie

Hair Tie Master










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