Mr. Kim

Mr. Kim profile Mr. Kim's sword

Mr. Kim was once a hardworking asset manager constantly trying to better predict the ebbs and flows of financial markets while advising clients of the best moves to make in their monetary decisions. He began his career looking to quickly move up the ranks through networking and hardy social gatherings. However, as the mountains of stress piled on, he needed an outlet. Rediscovering his interest in lingusitics, he decided to study English at an academy where he met Peter and Gelo. Those lessons served as a distration from a work obsession as well as a new form of self expression. These steps ignited an entrepreneurial incentive to start a company of their own, ultimately leading to the founding of Gelo Animation Studios. Mr. Kim knew he had the right skills to propel their ideas forward and the right attitude to see the journey through.

Although Mr. Kim first appears in Episode 2, he takes an active role during dO's concert in Episode 3, where his love of music brings him together with Gelo and friends. The gleeful moments are somewhat short-lived when the twins of Dismay crash the event. Determined to keep a positive spirit in the air, Mr. Kim joins Adam and Sin to take on the likes of Disharmony and Despair.

Mr. Kim using a sword
Mr. Kim using a sword Mr. Kim using a sword Mr. Kim using a sword Mr. Kim using a sword Mr. Kim using a sword Mr. Kim using a sword

Sword Guru










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