
Weonwon profile Weonwon's coffee

Bright-eyed and cheery, Weonwon gives off the impression that her happy-go lucky nature reflects a life of cakes and candy. She imbues Gelo and friends with positivity however one would never have guessed the loads of burdens she's had to carry. Moving to Seoul for University was never easy for Weonwon. Born near Kwangju, Korea, she grew up in a family of abuse and poverty. As a child, her younger brother looked to her as the hope to counter her mother's depression and her father's alcoholism. The toxic environment pushed her to study harder to try and get to one of the top Universities in Seoul. Despite the circumstances, she wanted to instill pride in her parents and enpowerment in her brother. Though she didn't reach the top, she yet wears her smile strong; she believes one day she will build a circle of love within her family through self discipline and determination.

Weonwon makes her first appearance in Episode 2 in preparation for a trip to the moon. Unfortunately, the group was stalled by the likes of The Company, a force that wants to keep them from having weekends free. Weonwon, hopeful to get the show on the road, cheers on Gelo, Peter, and Soy in overcoming the will of a killjoy.

Weonwon using coffee
Weonwon using coffee Weonwon using coffee Weonwon using coffee Weonwon using coffee Weonwon using coffee Weonwon using coffee

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